US Ignite Partners with Telecom Group to Bolster Smart Cities

Source: Gov Tech Published: August 26, 2020

The unfettered exchange of data is often seen as a requisite for the modern smart city, and so US Ignite and a telecommunications group have partnered to establish a blueprint to aid this process across cities, third parties and others to put data toward bigger and broader uses.

“There’ll be a need for cities to exchange data with other cities, with state and federal government agencies, even beyond the open-data that’s available to citizens and businesses and application developers and so on,” said Mike Nawrocki, vice president for technology and solutions at the Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS), explaining the data exchange needs of smart cities; and the formation of the Smart Cities Data Catalog Specification.

The partnership between US Ignite, a nonprofit funded by the National Science Foundation, and ATIS began about two years ago to, look at the issue around data exchanges and data sharing, as it pertains to smart cities, said Nawrocki.

“Cities have been deploying various forms of data-collection infrastructure to meet their applicational needs. And cities have been building out their data-management capabilities to better manage data across their operational departments,” Nawrocki explained.

Read more here.

Chelsea CollierData