NACTO Announces Awardees of Streets for Pandemic Response and Recovery Grant Program

Source: NATCO Published: August 25, 2020

The COVID-19 crisis has amplified the existing crisis of racial inequity, and pandemic response is inextricably linked with the fight for racial justice. As cities across the US begin to ease restrictions on non-essential travel and businesses, and implement projects and policies designed for recovery, we cannot return to a pre-pandemic normal that disinvested in communities and exacerbated economic and racial inequities. For a just recovery, we must center the needs of those disproportionately harmed by COVID-19’s health, economic, and social impacts and seek equitable outcomes in transportation decision making.

During this crisis, many community organizations have been engaging with their members and neighborhoods and are clear on what they need to address urgent issues. Meanwhile, city staff are equipped to design and implement projects in the public right-of-way, as well as navigate government procedures and processes. Working together, city agencies and community-based organizations are well poised to navigate the tension between the speed required for emergency pandemic response, and the thoughtfulness required to ensure that rapid project delivery doesn’t further perpetuate inequity or harm communities most in need of support.

To support cities as they adapt public space to provide health services information to residents, create space for safe mobility, and bolster local economies, NACTO has awarded grants of $25,000 to ten community-based projects through the Streets for Pandemic Response and Recovery program. These projects represent a wide range of response actions in NACTO member cities across the US.

Read more here.

Chelsea CollierCOVID19