Fusing Architecture and Technology to Reenter a New World

Source: Gensler Published: June 8, 2020

As everyone around the world starts to emerge from lock-down, we are all wondering what it’s going to be like to reengage with the spaces and places in our communities that we’ve been avoiding for months. What new world are we entering into?

Pre-pandemic, there was a common set of expectations of how you move around the built environment, how you walk down sidewalks, how you enter stores and restaurants, how you travel, and how you come and go from your work. Now, everything has changed.

We have to define new norms and patterns. The deep-seated behaviors we had before COVID-19 will need to change, as will the interaction models we’ve had with the people and environments around us. This is a challenge that designers are particularly well-suited for. It’s up to us to invent new spatial typologies and imagine the new products and services that support these environments—all with the goal of elevating the human experience.

Read more here.

Chelsea Collier