Body temperature solution aims to minimise infection risk in buildings

Source: Smart Cities World Published: May 11, 2020

Siemens Smart Infrastructure is launching a thermal imaging body temperature solution that aims to minimise the risk of infection in buildings.


As coronavirus lockdown restrictions start to ease, Siveillance Thermal Shield is designed to help organisations quickly measure the temperature of a person seeking to access a building and enables the results to be integrated into a video and access system.


Contactless measurement


Thermal imaging cameras measure the body temperature at a distance of up to two metres. If the camera screening indicates an elevated body temperature, a second reading must be taken using a medical thermometer to confirm the finding.


To ensure the highest level of accuracy, the cameras measure the body temperature near the eyes. A positive result triggers acoustic and visual alarms. The temperature is measured for each person individually.


If a person shows an elevated body temperature and this finding is confirmed by a second reading obtained with a medical thermometer, the follow-up steps defined in the workflows are initiated automatically.

Read more here.