Panic about overhyped AI risk could lead to the wrong kind of regulation

Source: Vox, By: Divyansh Kaushik and Matt Korda

*We discovered this article from the MetroLab Network newsletter.

There’s something missing in the heart of the conversation about AI.

Recently, a number of viral stories — including one by Vox — described an Air Force simulation in which an autonomous drone identified its operator as a barrier to executing its mission and then sought to eliminate the operator. This story featured everything that prominent individuals have been sounding the alarm over: misaligned objectives, humans outside of the loop, and an eventual killer robot. The only problem? The “simulation” never happened — the Air Force official who related the story later said that it was only a “thought exercise,” not an actual simulation.

The proliferation of sensationalist narratives surrounding artificial intelligence — fueled by interest, ignorance, and opportunism — threatens to derail essential discussions on AI governance and responsible implementation. The demand for AI stories has created a perfect storm for misinformation, as self-styled experts peddle exaggerations and fabrications that perpetuate sloppy thinking and flawed metaphors. Tabloid-style reporting on AI only serves to fan the flames of hysteria further.

These types of common exaggerations ultimately detract from effective policymaking aimed at addressing both immediate risks and potential catastrophic threats posed by certain AI technologies. For instance, one of us was able to trick ChatGPT into giving precise instructions on how to build explosives made out of fertilizer and diesel fuel, as well as how to adapt that combination into a dirty bomb using radiological materials.

If machine learning were merely an academic curiosity, we could shrug this off. But as its potential applications extend into government, education, medicine, and national defense, it’s vital that we all push back against hype-driven narratives and put our weight behind sober scrutiny. To responsibly harness the power of AI, it’s essential that we strive for nuanced regulations and resist simplistic solutions that might strangle the very potential we’re striving to unleash.

But what we are seeing too often is a calorie-free media panic where prominent individuals — including scientists and experts we deeply admire — keep showing up in our push alerts because they vaguely liken AI to nuclear weapons or the future risk from misaligned AI to pandemics. Even if their concerns are accurate in the medium to long term, getting addicted to the news cycle in the service of prudent risk management gets counterproductive very quickly.

AI and nuclear weapons are not the same

From ChatGPT to the proliferation of increasingly realistic AI-generated images, there’s little doubt that machine learning is progressing rapidly. Yet there’s often a striking lack of understanding about what exactly is happening. This curious blend of keen interest and vague comprehension has fueled a torrent of chattering-class clickbait, teeming with muddled analogies. Take, for instance, the pervasive comparison likening AI to nuclear weapons — a trope that continues to sweep through media outlets and congressional chambers alike.

While AI and nuclear weapons are both capable of ushering in consequential change, they remain fundamentally distinct. Nuclear weapons are a specific class of technology developed for destruction on a massive scale, and — despite some ill-fated and short-lived Cold War attempts to use nuclear weapons for peaceful construction — they have no utility other than causing (or threatening to cause) destruction. Moreover, any potential use of nuclear weapons lies entirely in the hands of nation-states. In contrast, AI covers a vast field ranging from social media algorithms to national security to advanced medical diagnostics. It can be employed by both governments and private citizens with relative ease.

As a result, regulatory approaches for these two technologies take very different forms. Broadly speaking, the frameworks for nuclear risk reduction come in two distinct, and often competing, flavors: pursuing complete elimination and pursuing incremental regulation. The former is best exemplified by…

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Chelsea Collier