Smart City Tech Firm Ubicquia Launches Analytics Platform

Source: Gov Tech

The UbiHub tool already is helping cities with traffic and curb management, and can be used for a variety of other tasks. The company is making a play to reduce costs and hassles for smart city projects.

Smart city technology company Ubicquia has launched a platform designed to make it easier for cities to deploy public Wi-Fi along with traffic, public safety and license plate cameras.

The new platform, called UbiHub, is compatible with more than 360 million streetlights across the world, according to a statement from the company. The new product includes integrated Wi-Fi 6 capabilities along with edge AI, Ubicquia said.

“Our UbiHub is the ‘Swiss army knife’ of intelligent infrastructure for cities and utilities,” said Ian Aaron, CEO of Ubicquia, in that statement. “Whether you need to scale the deployment of cameras and license plate readers across multiple vendors or simply expand broadband in commercial areas and parks, UbiHub is the only multi-function product in the market that installs in seconds and delivers data in minutes.”

More specifically, the company, when describing the new launch, said that the UbiHub AP6 is a “triband Wi-Fi 6 access point that gives communities the ability to enable public Wi-Fi” and can support cameras, license plate readers and other third-party gear.

Meanwhile, the UbiHub AP/AI “has the same features and functionality of the AP6 and also integrates dual 4K cameras, directional microphones, a neural AI processor for street analytics and 15 days of video storage,” the company detailed in that statement.

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