What’s New in Civic Tech: National Day of Civic Hacking

Source: Gov Tech Published: Aug. 20, 2020

National Day of Civic Hacking is set this year for Saturday, Sept. 12, marking the eighth annual nationwide celebration of all things civic tech.

The day is essentially organized by Code for America (CfA), the nation’s leading civic tech organization, and as CfA notes on the National Day of Civic Hacking website, it “brings together civic leaders, public servants, designers, coders and engaged citizens to partner with local government and community groups to tackle some of our toughest challenges.”

As all of that implies, it is a day to practice and rally around the work of civic technologists, with participants coming from inside and outside of local governments. This year’s theme for the National Day of Civic Hacking is creating ways of helping those who most need support from the social safety net during the COVID-19 crisis. The day, however, is also open to folks who want to work on solving other issues in their communities as well.

Read more here.

Chelsea CollierCivic Hack