What smart homes can teach us about smart cities

Source: Smart Cities World Published: April 20, 2020

Recently, my wife and I decided to take the plunge into the world of home automation. We installed smart thermostats, automated door locks, a video doorbell, smart bulbs and switches for the lights and ceiling fans, motion sensors, contact sensors on the doors and windows, an automatic garage door opener, power monitors for major appliances, and several Amazon Echo devices.


When we were done, we could open an app on one of our phones and change the setpoints on our air-conditioning unit. Another app would allow us to view in real-time if someone was on our front porch and speak to them through our doorbell if we were not home.

A third app was required to remotely turn lights on and off. A fourth app showed us the power our clothes dryer was consuming and would pop-up a notification when it finished so we could fold the laundry before it became wrinkled.

Read more here.