Local Tech Company Turns Innovation into Data Visualization

Source: Sentinel San Antonio Published: April 15, 2020

Over the past three years, the technology-based company Cityflag has grown from a simple idea to a company with over a dozen employees, multiple products, and several clients around the world. 

Today, the local tech company continues to grow at a rapid pace. Additionally, the outfit's new focus and innovation - dubbed Irys - provides a more clear-cut analysis of not only cities but micro-organizations, as well. 

“For us, Cityflag stood for a more functional approach,” CEO and co-founder Beto Altamirano said in an interview this week. “There’s not a lot of sexy going on as it pertains to startups (working with government). We wanted to find a more contemporary approach for solving issues and that was our market strategy.” 

Shifting their focus from a communication module between residents and cities to one that actively utilizes technology to improve and enhance communities was one such method. Like most tech companies, Irys has learned that the data gathered by their application is just as valuable as the communities using them. 

That realization not only created a new client base, but also brought an enhanced exchange of how cities and organizations analyze this open-sourced data. 

Read more here.